Construction and Rehabilitation History
Visual examinations and detailed surveys showed the sheet-pile
cylinders and walls to be in need of immediate repairs. Voids
tween the original concrete caps and the underlying sand existed in
virtually all cylinders not repaired in 1963. Corrosion was the
main cause of deterioration, with subsequent removal of sand from
the cylinders because of wave and current action. Rehabilitation of
the jetties was carried out in 1969 (Figure 4 0 ) . The sheet-pile
walls and cylinders (except the outer two on the north and outer one
ft mlw, and the sand within
on the south) were removed down to
the cylinders were removed to mlw. The existing concrete cap
(broken into pieces less than 12 in. long) and
ft mlw. This was overlayed
stone were placed in the cylinders to
capstone (70 percent
8 tons), with similar cap-
stone placed along the connecting walls, to bring the structure to
the original design elevation of
ft mlw with a crown width of
10 ft. Additional
capstone was placed, as needed, to
On the outer 50 ft of the
bring the side slopes up to
Finally, asphaltic concrete
jetties, the side slopes were
was placed (Figure 4 0 ) on the jetties. This material was placed
side slopes.
over the entire crown width down to mlw, and had
The design of the jetties used Hudson's formula with wave heights of
12 to 16 ft and wave periods of 7 to 9
Repair to jetties consisted of resetting stone and adding
12-ton stone ( 7 5 percent
1 ton) on the outer 200 ft of the
to 6-ton stone on the next 450 ft of the jetties as
jetties and
needed to solidify the structure.
The jetties are in good condition except for their head sections
which are in need of some repair.