Table 3
Hatteras (Rollison Channel) Small-Boat Harbor Breakwaters
Hatteras, North Carolina, SAW
Construction and Rehabilitation History
In 1956, at a cost of 5,600, two rubble-mound breakwaters were
constructed at the entrance to Hatteras Small-Boat Harbor (Fig-
ure 6 . The east and west breakwaters were 355 and 300 ft long,
respectively. The design section consisted of a crown width of 8 ft
ft mlw and side slopes of
at an elevation of
on the sound and harbor sides, respectively. The structures were
mat of small stone (size unknown), core
made up of a
stone (size unknown), and 1- to 2-ton cover stone. The armor stone
was sized using a 5-ft design wave height and Hudson's slope sta-
bility equation. Approximately 6,940 tons of stone were placed.
After construction, local interests indicated difficulties with ves-
sels passing through the narrow, 60-ft gap between the breakwater
heads. In 1958 a timber dolphin fender system was placed on the
heads to minimize potential damage to vessels.
The breakwater has had no maintenance or repair since its
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Figure 6. Hatteras (Rollison Channel)
Small-Boat Harbor, North Carolina