Project: PAR3D Numerical Flow Model
PI: Robert S. Bernard
Branch/Group: Inland Hydraulic Structures Branch
Project Description/Activities/Capabilities:
This model is sponsored by the Chicago District in support of efforts to design and develop an
aeration system for the proposed McCook Reservoir. The model itself is a general-purpose three-
dimensional flow solver for subcritical hydrodynamics, with added capabilities for modeling
turbulence, bubble plumes, heat transfer and transport, gas transfer and transport, sediment
transport, and biochemical- and sediment-related oxygen demand. Participants in this project are
ERDC/WES, the Chicago District, the University of Minnesota, and the University of Illinois. The
PAR3D modeling package is available, subject to sponsor approval, from the Chicago District
Office. Prospective users should contact Ms. Heather Henneman, CELRC-TS-HH-HH, 312-846-
Sponsor: Chicago District. POC Ms. Heather Henneman
CHL Personnel
Robert S. Bernard, Steven C. Wilhelms, Laurin Yates, Calvin Buie
Project Location and Description:
Related Topic Areas
Surface waters, reservoirs, rivers, channels, bubble plumes, gas transfer, water quality, numerical
models, incompressible flow, buoyant flow, subcritical flow, turbulence modeling, parallel