Project: Libby Dam Total Dissolved Gas Exchange Study
PI: Mike Schneider
Branch/Group: Inland Hydraulic Structures Branch, Environmental Hydraulics Group
Project Description/Activities/Capabilities:
The purpose of this field study was to define and quantify processes that contributed to dissolved
gas transfer during spill releases at Libby Dam. In general, the transfer of dissolved gas is a
function of the unit spillway discharge, spill pattern, spillway geometry, stilling basin and tailwater
depth and flow conditions, forebay TDG concentration, project head differential, and water
temperature. This study focused on resolving questions regarding accurate source and sink
descriptions of mass conservation of dissolved gases in the Kootenai River below the dam.
Sponsor: Seattle District, POC Kent Easthouse
Personnel: Mike Schneider (CHL), Calvin Buie (CHL), Laurin Yates (CHL), Joe Carroll (EL),
Carolyn Schneider (EL), and Kathryn Barko (Dyntel Corp.)
Project Location and Description:
Libby Dam is located on the Kootenai River at river mile (RM) 221.9 in Montana. The
length of the dam crest is 3,055 ft with a width at crest of 54 ft and a t the base of
310 ft. The dam has 2 spillways with a capacity of 150,000. There are 5 Francis
turbines generating 120,000 kw each.
Facilities: Field Study
Related Topic Areas: Hydrualic Structures, Environmental Studies, Spillway Flow Deflectors,
Total Dissolved Gas, Hydropower, reservoir