The results of this study will lead directly to the construction of erosion control projects that
will help protect economically valuable and environmentally sensitive property along the
northeast Texas Gulf coastline.
This project is sponsored by the US Army Engineer District, Galveston.
Dr. David B. King Jr., HF-CI, 3909 Halls Ferry Road, Vicksburg, MS 39180-6199,
Point of Contact Coastal and Hydraulics Laboratory project reports on
this study are currently in draft form and will be published in the future.
CPB team members involved in this project are working directly with other CPB personnel
who are field-testing innovative erosion control designs along the flood-prone mud
shorelines at the eastern end of the study site as part of a Section 227 demonstration
project. They are also working directly with Coastal and Hydraulic Laboratory team
members from other branches who have produced hurricane water level hindcasts and a
sediment budget for the study area, as well as with team members from the Galveston and
the Wilmington Districts of the Corps. CPB team members are also involved in data
sharing and consultations with other study partners including Texas county governments,
state agencies (Texas General Land Office), universities, and private contractors.