Fact Sheet
US Army Corps of Engineers
U.S. Army Engineer Research and Development Center
April 2004
Dutch Gulch Outlet Works
Purpose: To evaluate the hydraulic performance of the Dutch Gulch intake structure, transition, conduit, stilling
basin and exit channel.
Background: The proposed Dutch Gulch Lake and outlet
works will be located on the main stem of Cottonwood Creek
about 11 miles west of the town of Cottonwood, California.
The outlet works will consist of an approach channel, intake
structure, multi level control tower, conduit transition, 1424-ft
by 14-ft diameter conduit, stilling basin and exit channel.
Facts: At the request of the U.S. Army Engineer District,
Sacramento, a 1:25 scale physical model was designed and
constructed at the U.S. Army Engineer Research and
Development Center by the Coastal and Hydraulics Laboratory.
The model reproduces the Dutch Gulch intake structure,
transition, conduit, stilling basin and exit channel. The model
was used to evaluate and modify the design and performance of
these proposed project features.
Points of Contact: For additional information, please contact
Mr. Glenn Davis at 601-634-4183
( ),
Mr. Dwayne Fuller at 601-634-2668
( ) or
Mr. Dennis Markle at 601-634-3680
( )