more resilient than more commonly used materials such as steel. This is expected to
increase the life, cost-effectiveness and benefit-cost ratio of the project.
The project is presently in the construction phase. In cooperation with the University of
New Hampshire (UNH), an evaluation of the dynamics of geomorphologic changes in the
Hampton/Seabrook Harbor was conducted and baseline field data collected to assist
decision-making in harbor management activities. UNH conducted bathymetric and
current surveys, analyzed grain sediment pathways, assessed bed form movement, and
used the TABS-MD numerical model to simulate harbor dynamics. After construction is
completed, additional data collection and monitoring will take place to document the
performance and effects of the project.
Time Line
Memorandum of Agreement with state of New Hampshire was signed in 2004. Contract
for construction awarded in August 2004 and construction began thereafter. Project
monitoring began in December. Dredging began in January 2005 and has been completed.
In 2005 all construction is projected to be completed, project will be handed over to the
state of New Hampshire, and all post-construction data are planned to be complete.
Points of Contact
Kevin Knuuti, CEERD-HC-SE, 3909 Halls Ferry Road, Vicksburg, MS 39180-6199;
phone, (601) 634-4034, e-mail,
Mark L. Habel, CENAE-EP-PN, 696 Virginia Road, Concord, MA 01742-2751; phone,
(978) 318-8871, e-mail, Mark.L.Habel
Program Authorization
Water Resources and Development Act of 1996 (Public Law 104-303, 110 Stat. 3658)
dated October 12, 1996.
Additional information can be found at