Rapid Port Enhancements for the
Theater Support Vessel
The Rapid Port Enhancement for Force Projection program was recently approved as a
Science and Technology Objective (STO) with start date in FY 2003 and end date in FY
2006. The STO presently has two featured development efforts:
1) Development of rapidly installed causeways utilizing high-strength fabric
technologies; and
2) Development of objective tools for evaluating existing port throughput capacity,
upgrade potential, and potential power projection throughput.
The objective of the STO is to develop the capability to rapidly repair/construct/upgrade
existing medium and small class port facilities that can accommodate intermediate-draft,
very-high-speed cargo vessels such as the Theater Support Vessel (TSV), with a goal of
providing a four-fold increase in Force
Projection throughput over existing
JLOTS capabilities.
The Future Force (FF) principles of
responsiveness, deployability, agility, and
sustainability provide the capability to
rapidly concentrate combat power in an
operational area. This capability is
invariably linked to the force's ability to
rapidly and reliably project combat forces
into any theater in the world. When sealift LMCS Artist's Rendition
is the preferred option, austere port
conditions worldwide coupled with anti-access activities may limit the effectiveness of
high speed, shallow draft vessels like the Theater Support Vessel (TSV). No capability
exists presently to remedy these problems to meet future Army needs.
Technology that will be developed from this research will allow rapid upgrades of existing
Expected Products
small and medium sized ports. Primary components of this Rapid Port Enhancement
package presently include:
Rapidly emplaced causeways
Throughput modeling
The focus of the STO is on Rapidly Emplaced Causeways to support TSV usage of existing
small or degraded ports. Other components of the program will be developed as funding
permits, including
Rapid port breakwater construction/repair
Rapid pier improvements
Key potential users for this technology will be military warfighting and logistics planners.
Potential Users
U.S. Army Engineer Research and Development Center
October 2004