National Erosion Control Development and Demonstration
Program (Section 227)
Pickleweed Trail, Martinez, CA
Pickleweed Trail is located within the Martinez Regional Shoreline Park in Martinez, CA.
The trail is a recreational hiking trail and is maintained by the East Bay Regional Park
District. The site includes coastal wetland habitat. This wetland provides habitat for a
variety of species including the salt marsh harvest mouse, California black rail, and
California clapper rail.
Pickleweed Trail is experi-
encing erosion due to what
appears to be some combina-
wake, and wind wave action.
The trail is sandwiched
between the strait and the
main line of the Union Pacific
Railroad. As the erosion
process continues, the land
available for potential reloca-
tion of the trail diminishes
and is limited by its proximity
to the railroad. Attempts to
control erosion with riprap
armoring have brought limi-
ted success in adjacent areas. Eroding bank at high tide
According to trail users
familiar with the area, erosion is claiming approximately 1.5 m (5 ft) of shoreline per year
in the unprotected areas.
A branch box breakwater is proposed for this site.
The project is in the design phase. Topographic and hydrographic surveys of the area, a
coastal analysis, and ship effects measurements have all been completed. Flume tests of a
branch box breakwater will be conducted in 2005.
Time Line
Construction is proposed for FY06.
Points of Contact
Stephen T. Maynord, CEERD-HC-N, 3909 Halls Ferry Road, Vicksburg, MS 39180-6199;
phone, (601) 634-3284; e-mail,
Al Paniccia, CESPN-PM-A, 333 Market Street, San Francisco, CA 94105; phone, (415)
977-8468; e-mail
Program Authorization
Water Resources and Development Act of 1996 (Public Law 104-303, 110 Stat. 3658)
dated October 12, 1996.
Additional information can be found at
U.S. Army Engineer Research and Development Center
May 2005