The design structure cannot totally block the transport of material in the littoral zone,
and must allow sufficient sediment to pass through, over, or around the project to
maintain the pre-project littoral supply to adjacent beaches.
The design features can have no detrimental effects to downdrift beaches.
The site is a highly used public recreational area, so any shore protection structures
need to be no more intrusive than the former oil piers, and cannot interfere with the
public's use of the beach or nearshore or otherwise introduce a safety hazard beyond
that which previously existed with the former oil piers.
The design must not have significant impacts to marine organisms, recreation, marine
vegetation and hard bottom habitat.
The design should include logistics for beach-fill placement, project monitoring,
success criteria, as well as methodology and estimated cost for removal of the
demonstration features if any detrimental effects are observed.
Numerical model testing of the design has been completed and the final design has been
selected based on the numerical modeling. An environmental assessment is being
Points of Contact
Donald L. Ward, CEERD-HC-PS, 3909 Halls Ferry Road, Vicksburg, MS 39180-6199;
phone, (601) 634-2092; e-mail,
Susan M. Ming, CESPL-PD-WS, 915 Wilshire Blvd. Los Angeles, CA 90017; phone
(213) 452-3789; e-mail,
Program Authorization
Water Resources and Development Act of 1996 (Public Law 104-303, 110 Stat. 3658)
dated October 12, 1996.