Data Ranges used in Development of Sediment
Transport Functions
The range of data used in the development of the sediment transport functions
that have been included in SAM.sed are summarized in Tables 9 through 21.
These summaries are based on the authors' stated ranges when presented in their
original papers. Otherwise, the summaries were determined based on the
author's description of his data base in combination with the data listings of
Brownlie (1981) or Toffaleti (1968).
Table 9. Ackers-White Transport Function
Flume Data
Particle Size Range, mm
0.04 - 7.0
Specific Gravity
1.0 - 2.7
Multiple Size Classes
Velocity, fps
0.07 - 7.1
Depth, ft
0.01 - 1.4
Slope, ft per ft
0.00006 - 0.037
Width, ft
0.23 - 4
Water Temperature, Deg F
46 - 89
Table 10. Brownlie Transport Function
River Data
Flume Data
Particle Size Range, mm
0.086 - 1.4
0.088 - 1.4
Multiple Size Classes
Velocity, fps [calculated]
1.2 - 7.9
0.7 - 6.6
Depth, ft
0.35 - 57
0.11 - 1.9
Slope, ft per ft
0.00001 - 0.0018
0.00027 - 0.017
Width, ft
6.6 - 3640
0.83 - 8.0
Water Temperature, Deg F
32 - 95
35 - 102
Table 11. Colby Transport Function
Data Range
Particle Size Range, mm
0.18 - 0.70
Multiple Size Classes
Velocity, fps
0.70 - 8.0
Depth, ft
0.20 - 57
Slope, ft per ft
0.000031 - 0.010
Width, ft
0.88 - 3000
Water Temperature, Deg F
32 - 89
Correction for Fines, ppm
Chapter 3
Theoretical Basis for SAM.sed Calculations