(GENESIS) 5-year projected shoreline. Photographs from dye studies taken
during runs with storms from the west-northwest are contained in Figures B92
though B97, and storms from the southwest are contained in Figures B98 though
B106. Figures B107 through B113 show differences in wave heights at selected
wave gauge locations between Alt 2A with the existing shoreline and Alt 2A
with the GENESIS 5-year projected shoreline.
Wave heights calculated from displacements in water-surface elevation at
each wave gauge for storms from the west-northwest are tabulated in Tables B1
through B9 for Alt 1 and Alt 2A. Velocities from each velocimeter are tabulated
in Tables B10 through B18 for Alt 1 and Alt 2A during storms from the west-
Wave heights calculated during storms from the southwest are tabulated in
Tables B19 through B27 for Alt 1, Alt 2A, and Alt 3B. Velocities are tabulated in
Tables B28 through B36.
Values from experiments with Alt 2A and the GENESIS 5-year projected
shoreline are listed in Tables B37 through B64. Tables B37 through B42
document wave heights measured during storms from west-northwest, and
Tables B43 through B48 document velocities measured during storms from west-
northwest. Tables B49 through B55 include wave heights measured during
storms from the southwest, and Tables B56 through B64 documents velocities
measured during storms from southwest. Water levels references in this appendix
are: mean lower low water (mllw), mean tide level (mtl), and mean high water
Figures for Storms from West-Northwest
Coal tracer studies
Figures B1 through B14 include photographs taken during coal tracer studies
with storms from the west-northwest. Figures B1 through B7 were taken during
experiments with Alt 1. Figures B8 through B14 were taken during experiments
with Alt 2A.
Appendix B
Physical Modeling of North Beach and Jetty