City of Solana Beach
Section 9
Shoreline and Coastal Bluff Management Strategies Draft MEIR
Public and Agency Involvement
9.1 Public Involvement
The issue of how to properly manage our shorelines is controversial due to conflicting opinions
and approaches for successful solutions throughout the San Diego region. Community
members of Solana Beach are actively involved in this issue as many coastal homeowners want
to protect their shoreline fronting property, and others want to make preservation of the natural
state of the beach the highest priority in management strategies. The most frequently used
approach by homeowners and the City of Solana Beach to manage shoreline erosion processes
specifically is through development of protective structures along the beach and seacliffs, such
as seawalls and revetments, as allowed under the existing Shoreline and Coastal Bluff
Protection Ordinance. Coalitions and organizations have been formed on both sides of the
matter, to either support existing shoreline management policies in the City, or to offer
alternative solutions to allowing permits for protective structures.
9.2 Scoping Process
The City of Solana Beach held a scoping meeting on April 10, 2001 with community members
and interest groups to address essential issues and define the scope of the MEIR. The City
distributed a Notice of Preparation (NOP) to federal, state, county, and city agencies as well as
other agencies and organizations. The purpose of this meeting and notification was to answer
questions, receive oral and written comments from the public, and identify public and agency
concerns pertaining to potential impacts of the existing Shoreline and Coastal Bluff Protection
Ordinance and proposed policies and programs. Comments stated at the scoping meeting and
written comments received during the 30-day review period for the NOP are included in
Appendix C.1. The proposed alternatives considered in the MEIR were based upon public input
and existing data relevant to issues concerning the existing Shoreline and Coastal Bluff
Protection Ordinance.
A matrix was created, following the scoping meeting and review of written and oral comments,
to identify and maintain a comprehensive list of issues of concerns identified by all interested
parties throughout the scoping process. This matrix was utilized to help identify appropriate
resource sections and alternatives for the MEIR (see Appendix C.2).
9.3 Agency Involvement
The City is the Lead Agency with the jurisdiction to certify the Final MEIR. Other interested
agencies include the California State Lands Commission and the California Coastal
9.4 Summary of Potential Environmental Issues Identified
The potential environmental issues identified throughout the scoping process included concerns
related with potential impacts of the Shoreline and Coastal Bluff Protection Ordinance, more
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