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City of Solana Beach
Section 8
Shoreline and Coastal Bluff Management Strategies Draft MEIR
Effects Not Found to be Significant
Section 15128 of the CEQA Guidelines states that an EIR shall contain a brief statement
indicating the reasons why various possible significant effects of a project were determined not
to be significant and were therefore not discussed in detail in the MEIR. During the scoping
process for this MEIR, it was determined that the MEIR would be focused on specific resource
areas based on the reasoning that it assesses an existing policy and alternative policies and
programs, which are vast and not project specific. Certain resources would be too speculative
to analyze without a specific proposed project. Resource areas that were not analyzed because
they were not deemed to have the potential to result in significant impacts are air quality,
cultural resources, hazards and hazardous materials, hydrology and water quality, mineral
resources, noise, public services, and transportation.
No long-term air quality impacts are anticipated with proposed subsequent projects of the
alternatives. Proposed subsequent projects would only generate limited construction traffic over
a limited period of time. Subsequent projects of Alternatives 1, 2, and 3 would be located either
on the beach, at the base of coastal bluffs, or in the ocean, where no evidence exists that these
areas contain any important historical, paleontological, archaeological resources or human
remains. Proposed subsequent projects would not create a public safety impact relating to
hazardous materials. During construction, there would be vehicles using fuels and oils that
could possible deposit small amounts through weeping or other incomplete seals. These
amounts will be very limited, if any, and would not cause any hazards to the public. Proposed
subsequent projects of the alternatives would not impact water quality or water resources and
would not increase any existing flooding problem or expose people or habitable structures to
flooding action. No known mineral resource of value or locally important mineral resource
recovery site exists in Solana Beach; therefore, subsequent proposed projects would not impact
mineral resources. Construction noise associated with any subsequent proposed project would
be short-term and less than significant. During construction of subsequent proposed projects, a
temporary construction zone would be created and would not result in any significant effect. No
other impacts to public facilities are anticipated. Finished shoreline and coastal bluff protection
devices and sand replenishment and retention devices would not create any parking problems,
would not result in increases in traffic or levels of service, nor conflict with any plans for
transportation alternatives.
Section 3 discusses results of the environmental analysis for geology and soils, land use,
biological resources, recreation and public access, population and housing, aesthetics, and
utilities and service systems. Impacts of Alternatives 1 and 2, associated with land use,
biological resources, population and housing, and utilities and service systems were found to be
below a level of significance. Alternative 3 was found to have impacts below a level of
significance to all of the resource areas with the exception of some sand retention structures
having potential impacts on biological resources. Alternative 4 was found to have less than
significant impacts to geology and soils, biology, recreation, aesthetics, and utilities and service
Project No. 323530000
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