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City of Solana Beach
Section 4
Shoreline and Coastal Bluff Management Strategies Draft MEIR
Cumulative Impacts
Regional Beach Sand Retention Strategy, SANDAG, October 2001. SANDAG has prepared a
sand retention strategy in order to assess and take advantage of the potential benefits of sand
retention as part of the adopted Regional Shoreline Preservation Strategy in 1993. The
Regional Beach Sand Project (2001) was the first step towards restoring the region's sandy
coastline. SANDAG is working on a program to pay for and carry out additional beach
replenishment projects to continue this effort.
SANDAG Beach Replenishment Project. This project was completed in the late summer of
2001. The project placed approximately 2 million cubic yards of sand on beaches from
Oceanside to Imperial Beach. Approximately 140,000 cubic yards of sand was placed on
Solana Beach as part of this project. A joint EIR/Environmental Assessment (EA) was prepared
to analyze the potential impacts associated with the dredging and placing of approximately 2
million cubic yards of sand on a maximum of 13 receiver sites in the San Diego region, which
included Solana Beach. Two alternatives with some construction time variations and a No-
Action alternative were analyzed for potential environment impacts relating to geology and soils,
coastal wetlands, water resources, biological resources, cultural resources, land and water use,
aesthetics, socioeconomics, public health and safety, structures and utilities, traffic, air quality,
and noise. The Final EIR/EA was completed and no long-term significant impacts were
identified; however, a post-construction monitoring plan is being implemented to verify that no
significant impacts to marine biological resources, lagoons, and underwater archaeological
resources would occur.
City of Solana Beach Draft Local Coastal Plan. The City of Solana Beach has prepared a Draft
LCP that was submitted to the California Coastal Commission in 2001. The California Coastal
Commission provided comments on the plan and completion is expected in 2000.
The City of Encinitas Moonlight Beach Replenishment. The City of Encinitas provides annual
beach replenishment of approximately 1,000 cubic yards of sand in the spring.
San Elijo Lagoon Dredging. The mouth of San Elijo Lagoon is dredged to maintain the opening
on an as-needed basis. Approximately 6,000 cubic yards of material is typically placed south of
the mouth of the Lagoon.
Fletcher Cove Replenishment. In the spring of 1999, approximately 51,000 cubic yards of sand
was placed at Fletcher Cove as a result of the Lomas Santa Fe Grade Separation Project.
Fletcher Cove Master Plan. Redevelopment of Fletcher Cove Beach Park is proposed to occur
in the 2001-2002 timeframe. The project would entail the construction of a parking garage, a
new lifeguard station, additional open space, pedestrian paths, and other upgrades.
Seacave Fill at 141 and 197 Pacific Avenue, Solana Beach. Permit pending California Coastal
Commission approval (Application No. 6-00-66) with conditions to fill sea cave with colored and
textured erodible concrete at base of sea cliff below two residential lots, at 141 and 197 Pacific
Avenue, Solana Beach, San Diego County.
Project No. 323530000
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