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![]() City of Solana Beach
Section 3
Shoreline and Coastal Bluff Management Strategies Draft MEIR
Environmental Impact Analyses
sewer, water, power, or telephone lines, which are located landward of the residences along
Pacific Avenue and Sierra Avenue would not be impacted under this alternative. Therefore,
there would be no significant impacts under the No Project Alternative.
Impacts to utilities and service systems under this alternative would be less than significant;
therefore, no mitigation is necessary.
Alternative 2 Repeal of the Shoreline and Coastal Bluff Protection Ordinance
Impacts under this alternative would be similar to the No Project Alternative. Therefore, there
would be no significant impacts to utilities and service systems under this alternative.
Impacts to utilities and service systems under this alternative would be less than significant;
therefore, no mitigation is necessary.
Alternative 3 Sand Replenishment and Retention Program
The storm drainpipe outlet at Seascape surf is elevated enough so that it would not be impacted
by beach fill. The drainpipe that extends out of an existing seawall is low enough to the MSL
line that beach fill could potentially obstruct it. However, drainage could be maintained from the
outfall to the ocean by excavating a channel. No impacts to any other utilities or systems would
occur under this alternative. Therefore, no significant impacts would occur.
Impacts to utilities and service systems under this alternative would be less than significant;
therefore, no mitigation is necessary.
Alternative 4 Planned Coastal Retreat Policy
Bluff top development and regulatory policies would establish setback lines on the bluff tops of
"no new development" based on anticipated erosion rates, 50 years from implementation. This
policy is based on the notion that the process of bluff erosion will be allowed to continue to
occur with limited shoreline protection structures. Therefore, in the long term, impacts to utilities
and service systems within Pacific and Sierra Avenues would eventually be significant through
increased exposure (underground utilities) and potential displacement (overhead and
underground utilities).
Acquisition of property could result in a slight decrease in demand for utilities and service
systems. However, the relatively small number of residences affected compared to regional
population would not result in significant impacts on utility consumption patterns.
Project No. 323530000
Page 3-88
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