City of Solana Beach
Section 3
Shoreline and Coastal Bluff Management Strategies Draft MEIR
Environmental Impact Analyses
3.7 Utilities and Service Systems
3.7.1 Environmental Setting
This section identifies the location of existing utilities and service systems within the study area.
The description is based on field surveys of the Solana Beach shoreline and Pacific and Sierra
Existing Conditions
Existing utilities in the immediate study area include access stairs and ramps, and storm
drainpipes. Other utilities located inland from the houses along the bluffs include overhead and
underground telephone and power lines, underground sewer, cable and water lines, and the
streets themselves (Pacific Avenue north of Fletcher Cove and Sierra Avenue south of Fletcher
Cove). Utilities along Pacific Avenue were installed mainly between the late 1920s and mid-
1950s and include overhead telephone and power lines. The majority of utilities utilized for
Sierra Avenue residents are underground and were installed in the 1970s. There are two major
storm drainpipes that discharge onto the beach. One storm drainpipe is located adjacent to the
public access stairway at Seascape Surf and runs along the slope of the seacliff, eventually
cutting into the upper bluff. The steel pipe is approximately 2 feet in diameter and discharges
approximately 9 to 10 feet above MSL. The other outlet is located between the public access
stairs adjacent to Del Mar Shores Road and the private condominium access stairs to the south.
The outfall is an opening within a seawall structure, approximately 2 feet in diameter, and 2 to 3
feet above MSL. Existing access stairs and ramps are described in Section 3.4.
3.7.2 Environmental Impacts Significance Criteria and Methodology
Impacts to utilities and service systems would be considered significant if they would:
result in the displacement or degradation of existing systems;
result in the demand for new systems; and
significantly alter the state of existing systems. Impact Assessment
Alternative 1 No Project - Continuation of Existing Policy
Under the continuation of the existing policy, shoreline structures would continue to be permitted
under specific criteria and there would be no direct impact to the existing storm drainpipes. One
drainpipe outlets through an existing seawall and would remain unaltered. The storm drainpipe
at Seascape Surf runs along and into an unprotected bluff. If a seawall or shoreline structure
were eventually placed on this section of the bluff, it could accommodate the outfall and
potentially help secure it further onto the bluff. Any utilities such as underground or overhead
Project No. 323530000
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