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City of Solana Beach
Section 3
Shoreline and Coastal Bluff Management Strategies Draft MEIR
Environmental Impact Analyses
natural coastal bluff.  Examples of seawalls can be seen in Figures 3.6-2.  Significant
cumulative visual impacts could result from armoring the entire coastal bluffs with seawalls or
gunite covering (see Section 4.0).
Similar mitigation measures, as described above under Alternative 1, would reduce visual
impacts to the existing bluffs from the construction of shoreline and coastal bluff protection
devices to less than significant levels, with the exception of long-term cumulative impacts
associated with the total armoring of the coastal bluffs.  All existing mitigation measures
required by the City's Ordinance and additional recommended mitigation measures described
above would need to be implemented by the Coastal Commission.
Alternative 3 Sand Replenishment and Retention Program
No significant visual resource impact issues are anticipated with the addition of sand to the
beach area because sand is an existing and natural component of the viewshed area; therefore,
no mitigation would be required. Although sand retention devices such as breakwaters, reefs,
and groins would be visible above the MLLW, these devices are constructed of natural materials
such as sand, stone, or cobble and would not pose a significant visual impact. The addition of
sand would not pose any significant visual impact to the bluffs (refer to Table 3.6-2).
Impacts to visual resources under this alternative would be less than significant; therefore, no
mitigation is necessary.
Alternative 4 Planned Coastal Retreat Policy
No significant visual resource impact issues are anticipated with allowing the seacliffs to
naturally erode from continued wave action and allowing the landward boundary of the beach to
occur naturally; therefore, no mitigation would be required.  Short-term, temporary visual
impacts could result from residences that collapse as a result of bluff failure.
Impacts to visual resources under this alternative would be less than significant; therefore, no
mitigation is necessary.
Project No. 323530000
Page 3-85

Western Governors University

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