City of Solana Beach
Section 3
Shoreline and Coastal Bluff Management Strategies Draft MEIR
Environmental Impact Analyses
Alternative 4 Planned Coastal Retreat Policy
Public access could be impacted in the long term if the "no new development" setback included
public stairways. As the bluffs continue to erode, public access stairways will become more
unstable and a safety hazard. Without proper public access, recreation would be largely
impacted as well because it would be more difficult for people to get to the beach from the upper
bluffs. Therefore, if no new public access structures were permitted due to this alternative,
impacts to recreation public access would eventually be adverse.
If public access structures were exempt from the "no new development" setback lines, then
improvements to existing structures, or construction of new structures would be allowed. Under
these circumstances, impacts to public access would be insignificant.
To maintain proper public access to the beach from the bluff tops, public access structures such
as stairways and ramps should be exempt from the "no new development" setback lines. This
exemption would allow for repair, maintenance, redevelopment, and new development of any
public access structures, as needed over the long term, and as erosional processes on the bluff
continued to take place.
Project No. 323530000
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