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City of Solana Beach
Section 2
Shoreline and Coastal Bluff Management Strategies Draft MEIR
Project Description
The four alternatives considered in this MEIR reflect issues of concern based on public input
from the community members of the City of Solana Beach. Scoping comments were gathered
from interest groups including community members, organizations, and government regulatory
agencies, which were utilized to establish appropriate alternatives for this MEIR.  A public
scoping meeting held on April 10, 2001, at the City of Solana Beach solicited concerns and
issues associated with this MEIR.  All comments were considered to help provide further
guidance for establishing the alternatives (Appendix C.1). Issues pertaining to several previous
studies and available data on impacts of shoreline protection were also utilized as criteria for
selecting the Project alternatives.
2.1 No Project Alternative Continuation of Existing Policy
2.1.1 Characteristics
The applicable definition of the no project alternative for the purpose of this MEIR under CEQA
is the continuation of the existing policy (Guidelines Sec. 15126.6 (e) (3)). Under this alternative
the existing Shoreline and Coastal Bluff Protection Ordinance, enacted on May 16, 1994, would
remain the policy for issuing special use permits for shoreline protection devices along the
Solana Beach coastline as described in Appendix A.  Its purpose, as stated within the
ordinance, is to create a regulatory framework that balances the protection of vested private
property rights and important public interests in shoreline resources that can be harmed by the
construction of coastal bluff protection measures. Continuation of this policy in the long term will
likely result in armoring the entire natural coastal bluff with shoreline protection structures in
Solana Beach, though such structures may include a greater percentage of notch fills and
seacave fills, compared with larger seawall structures, than would occur should the Ordinance
be repealed and the approval of protective structures were left to the discretion of the California
Coastal Commission acting pursuant to Public Resources Code section 30235. Figures 2-1
through 2-7 depict locations of existing seawalls, seacaves, and notch fills. Areas not currently
protected as depicted on these figures would be subject to future bluff protection structures.
A summary of the policies of the existing Shoreline and Coastal Bluff Protection Ordinance are
as follows (Solana Beach Municipal Code [SBMC] Chapter 17.62.020).
... it is the policy of the city council of the city of Solana Beach to strictly regulate the
construction of new seawalls, revetments, bluff retaining walls, gunite covering, metal or
wood armoring and other similar shoreline defense structures. Such protection measures
generally will not be allowed when other feasible shoreline or coastal bluff protection
measures are available.  Permits for the construction of seawalls, revetments, bluff
retaining walls, gunite coverings, metal or wood armoring and other similar structures will
be issued only when necessary to accomplish one of the following purposes:
To protect existing legally built structures on property when the structure or structures are
threatened with imminent danger or destruction from bluff failure due to erosion and other
Project No. 323530000
Page 2-1

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