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City of Solana Beach
Section 1
Shoreline and Coastal Bluff Management Strategies Draft MEIR
The mitigation or avoidance of which is the responsibility of and within the
jurisdiction of another public agency and is, or can and should be,
undertaken by that agency."
(CEQA Guidelines, 15178, subd. (c)(2) (emphasis added); see also Pub.
Resources Code, 21158, subd. (b); see also Pub. Resources Code, 21081.)
When an agency finds that an focused EIR need not examine certain effects because they have
already been mitigated, that finding "shall be included in the focused EIR prior to public release'
of the document for formal public review. (CEQA Guidelines, 15178, subd. (c)(3).)
After approving a "subsequent project" for which a focused EIR has been prepared, a lead
agency must file a notice of determination pursuant to CEQA Guidelines section 15094. (CEQA
Guidelines, 15178, subd. (d).) Intended Use of This MEIR in Relation to Proposed Management Strategies
Intended uses of the MEIR in relation to each of the management strategies evaluated are
described below.
No Project Continuation of Existing Policy
As explained above, this MEIR is intended to help streamline the CEQA process by evaluating
impacts of subsequent shoreline and coastal bluff protection devices under the No-Project
(Existing Policy) to the greatest extent feasible, and by proposing mitigation measures that
could reduce the impacts of such devices. Such impacts include cumulative, growth-inducing,
and irreversible significant environmental effects. Subsequent shoreline and coastal bluff
protection device projects that are found to be within the scope of this MEIR may require no
further CEQA review. Subsequent shoreline and coastal bluff protection device projects that are
not found to be within the scope of, but have been identified in, this MEIR may require either a
Mitigated Negative Declaration (MND) or a Focused Environmental Impact Report (EIR) for the
subsequent project. (CEQA Guidelines, 15178.) Subsequent shoreline and coastal bluff
protection device projects also may be subject to the five-year limitation set forth in Public
Resources Code section 21157.6, which states that "the MEIR cannot be used to limit
subsequent project reviews if it was certified more than five years before the application for a
subsequent project was filed." However, the MEIR can be used to limit environmental review for
subsequent projects if findings can be made that "no substantial changes have occurred with
respect to the circumstances under which the MEIR was certified or that no new information,
which was not known and could not have been known at the time that the MEIR was certified as
complete, has become available."
For reasons discussed earlier, no additional EIRs will be required for subsequent projects if the
City of Solana Beach:
Project No. 323530000
Page 1-14

Western Governors University

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