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![]() City of Solana Beach
Section 1
Shoreline and Coastal Bluff Management Strategies Draft MEIR
Feasible mitigation measures or alternatives will be incorporated to revise the
subsequent project before the negative declaration is released for public review .
. . in order to avoid or mitigate the identified effects to a level of insignificance."
(CEQA Guidelines, 15178, subd. (b); see also Pub. Resources Code, 21157.5,
subd. (a).)
If the agency cannot prepare a mitigated negative declaration for the proposed subsequent
project and there is "substantial evidence in light of the whole record" that the project may have
a significant effect on the environment, the lead agency must prepare a "focused EIR."(CEQA
Guidelines, 15178, subd. (c); Pub. Resources Code, 21157.5, subd. (b).) The Use of Focused EIRs for Subsequent Projects Identified in a Master EIR
"The focused EIR shall incorporate by reference the Master EIR and analyze only the
subsequent project's additional significant environmental effects and any new or additional
mitigation measures or alternatives that were not identified and analyzed by the Master EIR."
(CEQA Guidelines, 15178, subd. (c)(1); see also Pub. Resources Code, 21158, subds. (a),
(d).) In addition, a focused EIR "shall analyze any significant environmental effects when:
Substantial new or additional information shows that the adverse
environmental effect may be more significant than was described in the
Master EIR; or
Substantial new or additional information shows that mitigation measures
or alternatives which were previously determined to be infeasible are
feasible and will avoid or reduce the significant effects of the subsequent
project to a level of insignificance."
(CEQA Guidelines, 15178, subd. (c)(4); see also Pub. Resources Code, 21158,
subd. (c).)
"A focused EIR need not examine those effects which the lead agency, prior to public release of
the focused EIR, finds, on the basis of the initial study, related documents, and commitments
from the proponent of a subsequent project, have been mitigated in one of the following
Mitigated or avoided as a result of mitigation measures identified in the
Master EIR which the lead agency will require as part of the approval of
the subsequent project;
Examined at a sufficient level of detail in the Master EIR to enable those
significant effects to be mitigated or avoided by specific revisions to the
project, the imposition of conditions of approval, or by other means in
connection with approval of the subsequent project; or
Project No. 323530000
Page 1-13
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