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![]() City of Solana Beach
Section 1
Shoreline and Coastal Bluff Management Strategies Draft MEIR
implemented by subsequent projects" or "[a] project that consists of smaller individual projects
that will be carried out in phases." (Pub. Resources Code, 21157, subd. (a); see also CEQA
Guidelines, 15175, subd. (b).) The City has chosen to avail itself of the use of an MEIR
because all the alternative policy scenarios analyzed herein would fit within these broad
categories of agency action. Furthermore, the City is aware that each proposal to construct a
shoreline protective device raises environmental issues that are common to virtually all such
structures. This fact makes the preparation and ultimate certification of an MEIR addressing
these common issues an efficient and logical means of formulating policy options to react to
these common issues.
According to the CEQA Guidelines, an MEIR shall include a proposed project's significant
environmental effects, growth-inducing effects, mitigation measures, and alternatives, as well as
"[a] description of anticipated subsequent projects that are within the scope of the Master EIR,
including information with regard to the kind, size, intensity, and location of the subsequent
projects, including, but not limited to all of the following":
The specific type of project anticipated to be undertaken;
The maximum and minimum intensity of any anticipated subsequent project;
The anticipated location for any subsequent development projects, and, consistent with
the "rule of reason"; and
"[a] capital outlay or capital improvement program, or other scheduling or implementing
device that governs the submission and approval of subsequent projects, or an
explanation as to why practical planning considerations render it impractical to identify
any such program or scheduling or other device at the time of preparing the Master EIR."
An MEIR shall also include "[a] description of potential impacts of anticipated projects for which
there is not sufficient information reasonably available to support a full assessment of potential
impacts in the Master EIR." (CEQA Guidelines, 15176.)
After an agency such as the City of Solana Beach has prepared and certified an MEIR including
these contents, the approval of a "subsequent project" identified in the MEIR will require either
(1) a finding that, because the project is "within the scope" of the MEIR and earlier project, no
new environmental analysis is necessary; (2) a "mitigated negative declaration"; (3) a "focused
EIR"; or (4), where the MEIR is inadequate in dealing with specified issues, an ordinary EIR.
Just what form the "limited environmental review" for later projects will take depends on a
number of factors. First, the lead agency for the subsequent project must prepare an initial
study for the project. The initial study must analyze whether: (1) the subsequent project may
cause any additional significant effect on the environment that was not previously examined in
the MEIR; and (2) whether the subsequent project was described in the MEIR as being within
the scope of the project. (Pub. Resources Code, 21157.1, subd. (b); CEQA Guidelines,
15177, subd. (b)(2).). These inquiries will determine whether the subsequent project can be
Project No. 323530000
Page 1-11
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