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![]() City of Solana Beach
Shoreline and Coastal Bluff Management Strategies Draft MEIR
Table S-1 (continued)
Summary of Environmental Impacts and Mitigation Measures
II. Significant Environmental Impacts That Can Be Avoided or Mitigated (Section 151 26[c]
of the State CEQA Guidelines) (Continued)
Environmental Impacts
Alternative 3
Construction of artificial structures, such
Potential mitigation measures to reduce safety
as a reef, in the surf zone could pose a
impacts to swimmers, surfers, and boaters
public safety hazard to swimmers,
from the construction of reefs could include
surfers, and boaters.
public education, increased lifeguard patrol
services, and clear and effective signage.
Recreation and Public Access (cont.)
Alternative 4
This alternative could prevent repairs to
Exempt public access structures from the "no
destroyed public access structures
new development" policy based on 50- and
(stairs) and would consequently restrict
100-year setback lines. This would allow for
beach access.
continual maintenance and new development
of access structures to maintain adequate
beach access.
Population and Housing
Alternative 4
This alternative would result in a potential
To compensate homeowners for the loss of
decrease in property values and an
their property, the City, state, or other
increase in vacancy rates.
responsible agency shall be required to
purchase at full market value.
Alternative 1
Natural appearance at the bluffs
In addition to the requirements of the City's
could change significantly from the
Ordinance, significant visual impacts to the
beach and from residences.
bluffs can be further mitigated as follows:
Seawalls and gunite covering strong
Seawalls should be designed and
line and form could pose a significant
constructed with:
visual impact to bluffs.
- natural-looking facades with undulating
forms and lines
- coarse textures
Project No. 323530000
Page S-12
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