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City of Solana Beach
Shoreline and Coastal Bluff Management Strategies Draft MEIR
Table S-1 (continued)
Summary of Environmental Impacts and Mitigation Measures
I. Unavoidable Significant Environmental Impacts Associated with
Alternatives Without Changes to Fully Mitigate Them
(Lead Agency must issue "Statement of Overriding Considerations" under
Section 15093 and 15126[b] of the State CEQA Guidelines if the Agency
determines these effects are significant and wishes to select this Alternative)
Environmental Impacts
Alternative 4:
This alternative would increase the
Warning signs or buffer zones would have to
Geology and Soils
potential for erosion, large-scale
be established near the base of the bluff to
landsliding, and soil failure.
reduce the potential for injury to the public by
eroding soil or block falls. Even with these
protections in place, lifeguard and public
safety issues would be increased and would
result in a significant public safety impact with
this alternative. As bluffs crumbled or
otherwise gave way to the forces of coastal
erosion, people along the beach would be
exposed to the risk of injury or possibly even
Bluff top development regulatory policies
The impact to residential land use along the
Land Use
requiring setback lines on the bluff would
bluff tops from this alternative shall require a
create new land use policies within the
new policy to relocate and rebuild displaced
city that are not directly addressed within
structures or to compensate property owners
existing plans and policies. Creating
in lieu of relocation and replacement.
setback lines would have significant
However, mitigation will not reduce impacts
cumulative impacts to this land use policy
on land use from this alternative to less than
in the long term because it would
significant levels. Elements of this new policy
eventually result in the elimination rather
shall include:
than the maintenance of residences
provisions to adequately compensate
located seaward of the setbacks.
homeowners for the economic loss of their
Property values would likely lessen as
erosion of the bluff approached the
setback lines and reduced the economic
provisions to relocate structures, if
life of the property.
possible, to another property within the
provisions to relocate residents and assist
in the identification of residences of similar
size and quality as the vacated property
changes to state Public Resources Code,
Project No. 323530000
Page S-6

Western Governors University

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