Tedious Creek Shallow
Harbor Study
An investigative study was conducted to determine if the Tedious Creek, MD, shallow-
draft harbor is adversely affected by breakwater gap width. Bathymetry, sediment samples,
tidal elevations, and wave data were collected over a 3-year time span to verify analytical,
physical, and numerical model computations. Several numerical models were employed:
CGWAVE for wave climate, RMA2 for general circulation, and SED2D for sediment
transport. These models tested the as-built and authorized breakwater configurations.
Tedious Creek is a small estuary on the
Eastern Shore of Chesapeake Bay in
Dorchester County, MD. It provides
anchorage to over 100 commercial and
recreational vessels. The primary
anchorages are the county boat dock
and the public piers, both on the south
shore. Because of its orientation, storm
waves may cause substantial damage.
The primary project purpose was to
reduce wave heights to a more accept-
able level of 1-ft in the harbor. The
existing as-built breakwater differed in
Creek, MD
1994 because of foundation problems
encountered during construction in 1997. As a result, the north breakwater was shorter
with a 100-ft-wider gap (i.e., 400 ft gap) in the main entrance. The authorized project
design included a breakwater gap of 300 ft for the main channel. Because of local
concerns, a monitoring effort was begun in 2001 to test the hypothesis that (a) the existing
as-built gap will provide a functional harbor from the standpoint of wave attenuation,
circulation, sedimentation, and wetland impacts, (b) the 1997 improvements are
structurally sound, (c) the models used are accurate, (d) navigation and the environment
will not be adversely impacted by sedimentation from the improvements, and (e) local
wetland areas are not adversely impacted.
CGWAVE, RMA2, and SED2D are general purpose, state-of-the-art, finite element models
Supporting Technology
interfaced with the SMS (Surface Wave Modeling System) of the Army Corps of
Engineers for graphics and efficient implementation (pre- and post-processing). Field mea-
surements were conducted in August 2001, September 2002, and are planned for FY03.
Results have indicated that the existing, as-built breakwater and gap are adequate for the
design goals of the project.
U.S. Army Engineer District, Baltimore.
Dr. Michael J. Briggs, CEERD-HN-HH, 3909 Halls Ferry Road, Vicksburg, MS 39180-
Point of Contact
6199; e-mail: , or Ms. Barbara P. Donnell,
e-mail: . Additional information can be found at
U.S. Army Engineer Research and Development Center
August 2004
Coastal and Hydraulics Laboratory (Project/Mission Support)