Custom Search Grunion
If beachfill is planned to occur during the grunion spawning season of March to August,
a biological monitor shall be onsite during any predicted grunion runs within two weeks
before or during the planned beach fill. If grunion are observed to spawn during the
spring high tides immediately prior to the proposed sand placement or during sand
placement operations, all beach fill activities will be curtailed until after the next spring
high tide series when the grunion eggs will have hatched and been carried into the
ocean. In addition, sand berms will be placed around the spawning area, if possible.
The buffer zone would be kept in place until the next predicted grunion run (about 14
days) to allow for the eggs to hatch and surveys to show that no subsequent spawning
occurred in the area.
4.2.4 Surfer's Point Ventura River Mouth
The mouth of the Ventura River shall be monitored during and after beach fill operations
at Surfer's Point. If sand from the BEACON South Central Coast Beach Enhancement
Program is observed to close the mouth of the creek, BEACON will reopen the mouth
with a bulldozer.
It is believed that with the monitoring and protection plans proposed above, significant
adverse impacts will be prevented to sensitive biological resources in the vicinity of the
receiver beaches. If substantial damage occurs before beach fill operations can be
modified or ceased to protect the habitat, compensatory mitigation in the form of habitat
creation would be required to reduce impacts to insignificant.
If beach fill at Goleta Beach resulted in a loss of eelgrass plants, eelgrass shall be
transplanted to the damaged area at a 1.2:1 ratio consistent with the Southern
California Eelgrass Mitigation Policy (NMFS 1991, Revised 1999). This policy requires
that for every square meter of eelgrass impacted by the project 1.2 square meters be
If kelp is lost at Carpinteria Reef or Oil Piers, kelp shall be replanted to attain a density
similar to the pre-project density in the affected area.
3208 Bio Report

Western Governors University

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