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(K. Keane, personal communication, 2000). In 1999, the Santa Clara River least tern
colony fledged 24 young. Least terns from this colony forage in the nearshore waters
off Oxnard Shores.
The federal threatened snowy plover nests in the dunes on the upper beach of McGrath
State Beach and Oxnard Shores (M. Farris, USFWS, personal communication 2000, M.
Wehtje, CDFG, personal communication 2000). The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service has
designated the beach from north of the Santa Clara River to just north of Channel
Islands Harbor as Critical Habitat for nesting and wintering snowy plovers (Miller 1999).
The state endangered Belding's savannah sparrow has been observed to breed at
McGrath Lake in some years (Chambers Group 1992). One pair was observed in 1991.
The federal and state endangered California brown pelican commonly feeds in
nearshore waters off Oxnard Shores as do several bird species (common loon, double-
crested cormorant, California gull, elegant tern) that are California Species of Special
Concern. The Hueneme Beach site is within the foraging range of the breeding
colonies of California brown pelicans and double-crested cormorant on Anacapa Island.
The Santa Clara River mouth, approximately 1.5 miles north of the Oxnard Shores
beach placement site supports southern steelhead and tidewater goby. Other Sensitive Biological Resources
No sensitive biological resources other than those described above are typical of the
Oxnard Shores site.
2.3.7 Hueneme Beach Intertidal
Figure 2-6 shows biological resources in the vicinity of the Hueneme Beach site. The
intertidal habitat at the Hueneme Beach site consists entirely of sand. Subtidal
The subtidal substrate off Hueneme Beach consists entirely of sand. There are no kelp
beds in the vicinity of Hueneme Beach.
3208 Bio Report