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2.3.1 Methodology
Assessment of the biological resources at each of the six beach placement sites was
done by site visits, underwater surveys, contacts with agency personnel and other
individuals familiar with biological resources at the sites, and review of the literature
including the Department of Fish and Game Natural Diversity Data Base (CDFG 2000).
All of the beach placement sites were visited on August 24, 2000, by Dr. Noel Davis of
Chambers Group, and Ms. Lori Dalessio and Mr. Chris Webb of Moffatt & Nichol.
During these site visits, the presence of sensitive resources such as significant rocky
intertidal habitat and kelp beds was noted.
On September 19 and 20, 2000, the Goleta Beach, Ash Avenue, Oil Piers and Surfer's
Point sites were surveyed for kelp and subtidal rocky habitat by SCUBA diving. The
Oxnard Shores and Hueneme Beach sites were not dived because they occur along a
long stretch of sandy shore with no hard bottom habitat. The biologist divers were
Dr. Davis and Mr. Todd Chapman of Chambers Group. The survey vessel was the
24-foot Skipjack, Osprey, captained by Mr. Paul Aines. The vessel was equipped with a
profiling fathometer and a Geographical Positioning System (GPS). Weather conditions
during the survey consisted of calm seas with light winds and about 2-foot surf and
swell. At each of the four sites, the boat traversed the nearshore area. The locations of
all kelp surface canopy that was observed and all kelp plants or subtidal relief that
appeared on the fathometer were recorded. At each site, Dr. Davis and Mr. Chapman
swam underwater parallel to shore for the entire length of the beach placement area.
The water depth of the underwater survey varied from site to site depending on the
swell conditions, but was between 5- and 15-foot depth Mean Lower Low Water
(MLLW). During the underwater surveys, the nature of the bottom and the presence of
kelp, eelgrass or surfgrass was noted.
Because literature review and personal contacts indicated that significant rocky intertidal
occurs near the Ash Avenue and Oil Piers sites, on December 12, 2000, Dr. Davis
visited these sites during a spring low tide (-1.4 feet [ft.] MLLW) to observe the intertidal
Table 2-2 summarizes significant biological resources in the vicinity of each of the
proposed beach placement sites.
2.3.2 Goleta Beach Intertidal
Figure 2-1 shows biological resources in the vicinity of the Goleta Beach site. Intertidal
habitat at the Goleta Beach site is sandy. Rocky intertidal habitat occurs approximately
1,500 ft. upcoast. This rocky intertidal habitat is characterized by large rock benches
3208 Bio Report

Western Governors University

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