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The survey shall be repeated following beachfill operations and again at the end of the summer
season during the period of maximum sand cover.  If project-generated sand deposition is
observed to be affecting adversely the reef, subsequent beach fill activities at Oil Piers shall
either be modified in a way to prevent deposition of sand on the kelp bed or ceased entirely at
this site. If the project is observed to cause extensive damage to the reef resulting in a loss of
kelp plants or hard bottom habitat, additional mitigation may be required.
Rocky Intertidal Habitat off Mussel Shoals. The rocky intertidal habitat off Mussel Shoals
upcoast from the Oil Piers site will be monitored for sedimentation and health. A baseline shall
be established prior to beach fill activities at Oil Piers. The baseline will include installing
reference stakes to measure sand deposition. Permanent transects shall be established to monitor
the sand height over the reef and surfgrass, percentage of sand and rock substrate along each
transect, percent cover of sand and organisms on rocks, percent cover of surfgrass, and blade
length of surfgrass.
The survey shall be repeated following beachfill operations and again at the end of the summer
season during the period of maximum sand cover.  If project-generated sand deposition is
observed to be affecting adversely the rocky intertidal habitat, subsequent beach fill activities at
Oil Piers shall either be modified in a way to prevent deposition of sand on the rocky intertidal
habitat at Mussel Shoals or ceased entirely at this site.
Grunion. If beachfill is planned to occur during the grunion spawning season of March to
September, a biological monitor shall be onsite during any predicted grunion runs within two
weeks before or during the planned beach fill. If grunion are observed to spawn during the
spring high tides immediately prior to the proposed sand placement or during sand placement
operations, all beach fill activities will be curtailed until after the next spring high tide series
when the grunion eggs will have hatched and been carried into the ocean. In addition, sand
berms will be placed around the spawning area, if possible. The buffer zone would be kept in
place until the next predicted grunion run (about 14 days) to allow for the eggs to hatch and
surveys to show that no subsequent spawning occurred in the area.
Physical Monitoring
It is proposed that turbidity monitoring will be conducted during construction of the beach fills
by visual observation to ensure that the turbidity plume does not increase significantly over
ambient conditions for an extended duration and area. Beach profile surveys will be conducted
prior to and after construction of beach fill operations to track movement and retention of sand.
Biological Monitoring
There are no sensitive habitats located within or near the Surfer's Point beach fill site. However,
steelhead trout are found in the Ventura River upcoast of the beach fill site. Therefore, as part of
the monitoring the mouth of the Ventura River shall be monitored during and after beach fill
operations at Surfer's Point. If construction causes closure of the mouth BEACON proposes to
reopen the mouth using a bulldozer to insure no adverse impacts to steelhead trout.
Moffatt & Nichol Engineers

Western Governors University

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