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Design Scenarios
The beach fill material will be placed below the mean high tide line, as a layer over the beach
surface as a berm, or as a sand dike along the back of the beach as described in Section 3.1.2.
The beach berm is shown in Figure 3-15. The berm would be at approximately +12 feet MLLW
and extending up to 65 feet from the back of the beach toward the ocean, then sloping gradually
into the water at a 15:1 slope. Any sand dike concept would likely be limited to areas of public
property to eliminate the need for approvals from private property owners.
Timing and Placement Rate
Placement at Oxnard Shores is proposed for Fall-Winter placement only (i.e., between September
15 and March 15) because of it's proximity to least tern and snowy plover nesting areas (See
Appendix B). Least terns and snowy plovers nest, breed, and forage during the spring-summer
months (April 15 to September 15). Discharge into the ocean may cause increased turbidity and
may effect foraging. Also, construction activities may disturb nesting. Therefore, it is proposed
to avoid the nesting season and place sand during the Fall-Winter months when the effects of
beach fill construction will not have an impact on the least terns and snowy plovers.
Hueneme Beach fill site is located in the City of Port Hueneme, in Ventura County (Figure 3-16).
The beach fill site is located just east of the entrance to Port Hueneme, which is a U.S. Naval
Port. The Hueneme Beach site is surrounded by the Pacific Ocean to the south, residential
homes to the north, and the Port Hueneme fishing pier to the east. Recreational activities include
surfing, swimming, sunbathing, fishing, and boating.
Proposed Quantity and Quality of Beach Fill Material
The plan view of the Hueneme Beach fill is shown in Figure 3-17. The plan shows a beach fill
length of approximately 4,400 feet beginning just east of Port Hueneme and extending east. The
annual volume of material proposed for this site is approximately 250,000 cy.
Sediment samples collected at this site show the median grain size (D50) for the composite
sample is 0.168 mm with 10% fines. The fines content varied along the profile with the higher
percentages in the offshore region from 18 to 30 feet MLLW (17 to 53% fines). Therefore,
beach fill with up to 35% fines is proposed for this site.
Design Scenarios
The beach fill material will be placed below the mean high tide line or as a layer over the beach
surface as a berm as described in Section 3.1.2 and shown in Figure 3-18. The berm would be a
level surface at approximately +10 feet MLLW, extending 150 feet from the back of the beach
toward the ocean, then sloping gradually into the water at a 15:1 slope.
Moffatt & Nichol Engineers

Western Governors University

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