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![]() or form a crust that would prevent reworking by waves is desirable. Certain types of fill may
form a hardpan when exposed to the environment. The USACE has indicated that this property
is not acceptable for beach fill if placed high on the subaerial beach, and that if the material tends
to possess this property, that it be mixed with other suitable material or existing beach sand to
minimize the hardening effect (Russ Kaiser, USACE, Personal Communication, 2000).
BEACON proposes to place this type of material directly within the reach of the tides and waves
to prevent formation of a hardpan.
The placement location and timing of beach fill operations has been considered a significant
factor by the USACE in Section 404(B)(1) Guidelines, and by the CCC in conditioning permits
for recent projects. Agencies typically specify that placement of the material should occur away
from sensitive resources (least tern and snowy plover foraging activities), should not occur
during grunion runs and least tern or snowy plover nesting, should not occur at public beaches
during particularly high-use times, and should not be constructed in a manner to interrupt beach
access. These considerations were taken into account when designing this program and it was
proactively designed to be as environmentally sensitive as possible with restrictions as to
placement locations and timing.
Beach fill placement rates have been restricted by the USACE on previous beach fill projects to
control turbidity levels. Controlled or limited beach fill placement rates may also extend the
sand placement period and the period of turbid conditions. The restriction has been applied to
dredging projects and is expressed as a quantity of sand placed per year or month. Such
restrictions have been imposed on projects located at sites possessing sensitive species.
Limiting the placement rate will also limit the number of trips required to transport the material
per day. The number of trucks must be controlled to minimize adverse impacts to air quality,
traffic and circulation, public safety, and noise. BEACON proposes to restrict the placement rate
of material to proactively address the turbidity issue as discussed in Section 4.0 of this report.
Moffatt & Nichol Engineers
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