Solana Beach Coastal Preservation Association
August 20, 1998
Project No. 1831
Page 50
A necessary preventative measure to stop erosion from enlarging the cave,
crack, fissure, joint, or fault, which, if enlarged, would eventually threaten the
stability of the bluff; or
Necessary to protect structures on top of the bluff threatened by the collapse
of a cave large enough to impair bluff stability; or
Necessary to eliminate an actual public nuisance, including, without
limitation, an attractive nuisance.
Clearly, all three of these conditions are satisfied.
Recognizing that no remedial work will result in significant additional coastal bluff erosion,
necessitating significant and costly structures to protect the bluff-top residences (as
allowed by Section 30235 of the California Coastal Act), it would appear to be in the best
interest of the bluff-top owners and public alike to implement infills of both sea caves and
notches in accordance with the applicable conditions contained in the Solana Beach
Municipal Code. We suggest that both sea caves and notch infills be completed in general
accordance with the design criteria provided on Figure 29 . This would incorporate an
erodible concrete infill that could be carved and colored to blend into that of the adjacent
natural sea cliff.
Beach Nourishment
Wide, protective sand beaches are clearly the most efficient form of shoreline protection
and particularly well suited for the Solana Beach area in view of the relatively fragile, coastal
bluffs. Simply stated, a sufficiently wide beach would not allow waves to impact directly
upon the coastal bluffs. Severe storms will, however, displace considerable sand, thus the
need for a sufficiently wide sacrificial cross section of beach to allow erosion and
displacement of the transient sandy beach materials. The Resources Agency of the State
of California (1997) and SANDAG's Shoreline Preservation Strategy (1993) recognize that
beach renourishment is by far the best approach to shoreline protection. SANDAG has
championed the use of opportunistic sand for beach nourishment, recognizing that beach