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Solana Beach Coastal Preservation Association
August 20, 1998
Project No. 1831
Page 38
For purposes of this evaluation the Solana Beach coast has been divided into seven
reaches on the basis of characteristics of the lower seacliff, upper coastal bluff, and
offshore bathymetry. Measurements of sea caves, notches and overhangs are summarized
on Table 3 and reflect the results of our field surveys completed in June and July 1998.
Sea cave and notch depths noted on Table 3 and shown on the topographic base maps
reflect conditions in June and July 1998, after the seasonal onshore movement of sand
had covered the bottom and rear portions of the abrasion features. Therefore, the depths
measured during our field surveys likely underestimate the actual depths of notches and
sea caves. The photogrammetrically prepared topographic base map was flown on June
18, 1998, during the tidal low of +0.7 foot, MLLW. The low altitude oblique aerials, Photos
1 through 8, were flown on July 9, 1998, during the tidal low of 2.0" feet, MLLW. The
seven reaches are as follows:
Cardiff State Beach to 533 Pacific Avenue
529 to 517 Pacific Avenue
Tide Park - 509 to 501 Pacific Avenue
475 to 235 Pacific Avenue
231 to 139 Pacific Avenue
Fletcher Cove
Las Brisas
Reach 1 - Cardiff State Beach to 533 Pacific Avenue
This reach of the coast is characterized by small coves and headlands, a significant
offshore reef (Tabletop Reef), which reduces the amount of available wave energy reaching
the coastal bluffs, a comparatively wide beach, open sea caves, and the absence of a
partially cemented cap of beach ridge deposits. The reach is shown on Map and Photo 1
and 2, and represented by Cross Section 1 at 617 Circle Drive, Figure 13.
At the time of our field surveys, the beach was 50 to 100-feet wide (defined here as above
MHHW) and extended up to elevation 8 feet at the base of the sea cliff. Offshore, the
bedrock shore platform was exposed. The near-vertical sea cliff rises to elevation 18 feet,

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