Sectional Model Flume Facilities
three sectional model flumes
that are designed to permit
expedient changes to
facilitate concurrent model
Laboratory has available
three such facilities. Each is
4.5 ft wide, 8 ft deep and 70
ft long. Discharge capacities
range from 30 to 45 cfs.
2-dimensional facility located in building 3051
These flumes are design to
allow interchanging of
structures to facilitate overlapping studies and the ability to easily revisit older model
studies if prototype construction generates additional investigation needs.
These flumes have been used to study design and construction problems associated with
the Ice Harbor Lock and Dam, the Bluestone Dam, the Chief Joseph Lock and Dam, the
Dalles Lock and Dam, etc.
Glen Davis, CEERD-HN-H, 3909 Halls Ferry Road, Vicksburg, MS 39180-6199;
Point of Contact
e-mail: . Additional information can be found at
U.S. Army Engineer Research and Development Center
January 2005