and the Hesco Bastion Concertainer, a gabion basket with a geotextile liner filled with
Applying results of the physical model study that was completed in November 2003, a
three-row staggered submerged breakwater system was recommended as being the most
practical alternative for the demonstration project. This design was discussed with the
Ohio Department of Natural Resources in January 2004. A final set of model tests was
completed in July 2004 to optimize the proposed design. The final alternative, to be imple-
mented and monitored under the Section 227 Coastal Demonstration Program, will provide
direct benefits to a Section 1135 Feasibility Study.
Time Line
A final set of physical model tests was completed in July 2004. The Alternative Report
will be finalized in May 2005. Plans and Specifications will be prepared in the July/
August 2005 time frame. It is anticipated that construction will occur at the end of FY
2005. However, the Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) needs to be executed with the
Ohio Department of Natural Resources prior to requesting construction funds. National
Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) documentation must also be finalized.
Points of Contact
Andrew Morang, CEERD-HC-SE, 3909 Halls Ferry Road, Vicksburg, MS 39180-6199;
phone, (601) 634-2064; e-mail,
Shanon Chader, CELRB-TD-DC, 1776 Niagara St., Buffalo, NY; phone, (716) 879-
4188; e-mail,
Laura V. Ortiz, CELRB-PM-PL, 1776 Niagara St., Buffalo, NY; phone, (716) 879-4407;
Additional information can be found at