International Symposium on Tsunami Disaster Mitigation in Future
Jan. 17-18, 2005, Kobe, Japan
Figure 7: Tsunami source regions and historical earthquakes offshore Southern California.
Catalina Fault (CAT), Lasuen Knoll (LAS) and the San Mateo Thrust (SAM) are examples of
tsunamigenic restraining bends while the Palos Verdes Slide (PVS) is an example of a tsunamigenic
landslide. San Pedro Bay is location of Ports of Los Angeles and Long Beach.
The authors wish to acknowledge the Office, Chief of Engineers, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers,
California State Office of Emergency Services, and the National Science Foundation for authorizing
publication of this paper. It was prepared as part of The United States-Japan Cooperative Program on
Natural Resources (UJNR), US-Side Panel On Wind And Seismic Effects, Task Committee on Storm
and Tsunami Surge. Special thanks to Fred Camfield, Stan Boc, and Tom Smith.
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