Fact Sheet
US Army Corps of Engineers
U.S. Army Engineer Research and Development Center
April 2004
Upper Guadalupe River Flood Control Weir
Purpose: To evaluate a proposed flood control weir design and modify as necessary to provide target flow
distributions between the natural channel and a bypass channel.
Background: The Upper Guadalupe project area
is in the city of San Jose, Santa Clara County,
California. The river reach proposed for
improvement begins at Interstate Highway 280
and extends south for about 5.5 miles. The final
Feasibility Study and Environmental Impact
Statement submitted by the south Pacific Division
recommended a project that provides a 50-year
level of flood protection. The locally preferred
plan (requiring additional funding from the Santa
Clara Valley Water District) would provide a 100-
year level of flood protection. The project was
authorized in the 1999 Water Resources
Development Act at a total cost of 0,328,000
with an estimated Federal cost of ,000,000 and
an estimated non-Federal cost of ,328,000.
Facts: At the request of hh