Fact Sheet
US Army Corps of Engineers
U.S. Army Engineer Research and Development Center
March 2003
Public Affairs Office | 3909 Halls Ferry Road | Vicksburg, MS 39180-6199 | (601) 634-2504 | http://www.erdc.usace.army.mil
Wave Climate and Wave Response Study, Kahului Harbor, Maui, Hawaii
Purpose: To determine wave response of the existing harbor and various plans being considered for modifying the
harbor and to evaluate implications for navigation and mooring areas.
Background: Kahului Harbor is
the only deep-draft harbor on the
Island of Maui and the busiest port
in Hawaii outside of the Island of
Oahu. The harbor is exposed to
wind and waves from the north and
northeast. Two large breakwaters
protect the harbor. High energy
waves generated by intense winter
storms in the north Pacific Ocean
routinely attack the breakwaters.
The harbor entrance is a 660-ft
opening between the breakwaters.
Commercial piers are located in the
eastern part of the harbor. A
variety of vessels uses the piers,
including barges, container ships,
passenger cruise ships, and tug
boats. Water depth in the Federal
entrance channel, harbor basin, and
commercial pier areas is 35 ft.
Facts: Because of2v042015 Tc7 E3Dh ha
Points of Contact: For additional information, please contact Dr. Edward F. Thompson at 601-634-2027
( ), or Mr. Dennis Markle at 601-634-3460
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