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City of Solana Beach
Section 3
Shoreline and Coastal Bluff Management Strategies Draft MEIR
Environmental Impact Analyses
In order to reduce temporary and significant impacts to the endangered least tern nesting sites,
mitigation measures would be implemented. As stated above, more research and technical
studies may be required to properly mitigate specific sand retention projects. The following
mitigation was developed specifically for artificial sand retention reefs, breakwaters, and groins
within the Regional Beach Sand Retention Strategy by SANDAG:
avoid construction in reef habitat areas.
create hard substrate subtidal habitat when rock groins are implemented.
avoid construction during least tern nesting season.
implement an environmental monitoring program during sand replenishment and
construction operations
Alternative 4 Planned Coastal Retreat Policy
Under this alternative, City and Coastal Commission policies (after a change in state law) would
allow the seacliffs to naturally erode through continued wave action, thereby allowing the
landward boundary of the beach to occur naturally. This alternative involves the establishment
of setback lines at estimated 50- and 100-year bluff setback lines, where no new development
would be allowed.  This alternative would result in a shift in policy away from the current
shoreline protection and replenishment strategies. Under this alternative, it is assumed that no
new shoreline protection structures would be allowed by the City, thus allowing the natural cliff
erosion process to occur.  No impacts to biological resources from this alternative are
anticipated and no conflicts with regional policies regarding the protection of biological
resources would occur.
No significant impacts would occur to biological resources under this alternative; therefore, no
mitigation is necessary.
Project No. 323530000
Page 3-49

Western Governors University

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