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Solana Beach Coastal Preservation Association
August 20, 1998
Project No. 1831
Emery, K.O., and Aubrey, D.G., 1991, Sea Levels, Land Levels and Tide Gauges.
Springer-Verlag Publishers, New York, NY, 237 Pages, 113 Figures.
Everts, Craig H., 1991, Seacliff Retreat and Coarse Sediment Yields in Southern
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Fenneman, M.M., 1902, Development of the profile of equilibrium of the
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Fisher, P.J., and Mills, G.I., 1991, The Offshore Newport-Inglewood-Rose Canyon
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Environmental Perils - San Diego Region. (ed.) P.L. Abbott and W.J. Elliott.
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Fleet Numerical Oceanography Center, 1987, Spectral ocean wave model (SOWM),
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Flick, R.E. and D.R. Cayan, 1984, Extreme sea levels on the coast of California,
Proceedings of 19th Coastal Engineering Conference, Pages 886-898.
Fulton, K., 1981, A Manual for Researching Historical Coastal Erosion. G.G. Kuhn,
ed. Manual Describes Methodology Developed by Kuhn for Researching
Historical Database to Document Coastal Changes; California Sea Grant
Report Number T-CSGCP-003, 56 Pages, 29 Figures, 2 Appendices.
Group Delta Consultants, Inc., 1993, Shoreline Erosion Evaluation, Solana Beach
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Hands, E.B., 1983, The Great Lakes as a test model for profile response to sea level
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Hands, E.G., 1981, Predicting adjustments in shore and offshore sand profiles on
the Great Lakes. CETA 81-4. Vicksburg, Miss.: Coastal Engineering
Research Center. 25 pp.

Western Governors University

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