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Solana Beach Coastal Preservation Association
August 20, 1998
Project No. 1831
Shepard, F.P., and Grant, U.S. IV, 1947, Wave Erosion Along the Southern
California Coast. Bulletin of the Geological Society of America, Volume 58,
Pages 919 - 926. October 1947.
Shepard, F.P., and Kuhn, G.G., 1983, History of Sea Arches and Remnant Stacks
of La Jolla, California, and Their Bearing on Similar Features Elsewhere.
Marine Geology, 51, Pages 139 - 161.
State of California, The Resources Agency, March 1997, California=s ocean
resources: an agenda for the future.
Sunamura, T., 1977, A Relationship Between Wave-induced Cliff Erosion and
Erosive Forces of Waves. J. Geol. 85, Pages 613 - 618.
Trenhaile, Alan S., 1987, The Geomorphology of Rock Coasts. Clarendon Press,
Oxford, 384 Pages.
Turner, R.J., 1981, Ground Water Conditions in Solana Beach, California as They
Relate to Seacliff Stability. Unpublished M.S. Thesis in Environmental
Studies. Department of Geological Sciences, California State University,
Fullerton, 81 Pages, 20 Figures, 2 Plates, 3 Tables.
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, 1960, Beach erosion control report on cooperative
study of San Diego County, California: ed. C.T. Newton, contract no.
W-04-193-ENG.-5196, appendix IV, phase 2, 60 p., 8 plates, 8 appendices.
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, 1989, Coast of California storm and tidal waves
study, historic wave and sea level data report, San Diego region.
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, 1988, Coast of California storm and tidal waves
study, sediment budget report, Mission Bay Littoral Cell.
U.S. Army Engineer Waterways Experiment Station, 1987, Extremal significant
Wave Height Distributions - Computer Program: WAVDIST (MACE-17),
Coastal Engineering Technical Note I-40.

Western Governors University

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